Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota RAV4 Service Manual: How to use this manual

Toyota RAV4 Service Manual / Introduction / How to use this manual

General information

  1. General description

  1. This manual is written in accordance with sae j2008.
  1. Diagnosis
  2. Removing / installing, replacing, disassembling / reassembling, checking and adjusting
  3. Final inspection
  1. The following procedures are omitted from this manual. However, these procedures must be performed.
  1. Use a jack or lift to perform operations.
  2. Clean all removed parts.
  3. Perform a visual check.
  1. Index

  1. An alphabetical index section is provided at the end of the manual as a reference to help you find the item to be repaired.
  1. Preparation

  1. Use of special service tools (sst) and special service materials (ssm) may be required, depending on the repair procedure. Be sure to use sst and ssm when they are required and follow the working procedures properly. A list of sst and ssm is in the "preparation" section of this manual.
  1. Repair procedures

  1. A component illustration is placed under the title where necessary.
  2. Non-reusable parts, grease application areas, precoated parts and torque specifications are noted in the component illustrations.

    The following illustration is an example.

Toyota RAV4. How to use this manual

  1. Torque specifications, grease application areas and non-reusable parts are emphasized in the procedures.

    Hint: there are cases where such information can only be explained by using an illustration. In these cases, torque, oil and other information are described in the illustration.

  2. Only items with key points are described in the text.

    What to do and other details are explained using illustrations next to the text. Both the text and illustrations are accompanied by standard values and notices.

Toyota RAV4. How to use this manual

  1. Illustrations of similar vehicle models are sometimes used. In these cases, minor details may be different from the actual vehicle.
  2. Procedures are presented in a step-by-step format.
  1. Service specifications

  1. Specifications are presented in boldface text throughout the manual. The specifications are also found in the "service specifications" section for reference.
  1. Term definitions

Toyota RAV4. How to use this manual

  1. International system of units

  1. The units used in this manual comply with the international system of units (si) standard. Units from the metric system and english system are also provided.

    Example: torque: 30 n*m (310 kgf*cm, 22 ft.*Lbf)


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