Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Service Manual: Precaution

  1. Handling precaution for cruise control system

  1. Turn the cruise control main switch off when not using the cruise control system.
  2. Be careful as the vehicle speed increases when driving downhill with the cruise control system on.
  3. The resume/accel operation changes according to the cruise control system status. When the cruise control system is operating, accel operates. When the cruise control system is not operating, resume operates.
  4. When the cruise control system is operating and the cruise main indicator light blinks, turn the cruise control main switch off to reset the cruise control system. After the reset, if the cruise control main switch cannot be turned on, or the cruise control system is canceled immediately after turning the cruise control main switch on, the system may have a malfunction.
  5. Do not use the cruise control system where the road conditions are as follows:
Cruise control system

Parts location
System diagram System description Cruise control system This system is controlled by the ecm, and is activated by the throttle position sensor and motor. The ecm controls the ...

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