Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Owners Manual: Specifications

Vehicle specifications

Maintenance data (fuel, oil level, etc.)
Dimensions and weights *: Unladen vehicle Vehicle identification Vehicle identification number The vehicle identification number (vin) is the legal identifier for your vehicle. This is the pr ...

Other materials:

Problem symptoms table
Hint: Use the table below to help determine the cause of the problem symptom. The potential causes of the symptoms are listed in order of probability in the "suspected area" column of the table. Check each symptom by checking the suspected areas in the order they are listed. Re ...

Wiper switch
Precaution Precaution for vehicle with srs Some procedures in this section may affect the supplemental restraint system (srs). Prior to performing the procedures, read the srs section's "precaution" (see page ss-2). Components Removal Disconnect cable from negat ...

Reassembly (2006/01- )
Install front drive shaft bearing (for rh) Install the bearing bracket snap ring to the inboard shaft. Using sst and a press, press in the drive shaft bearing to the inboard joint rh. Sst 09527-10011, 09710-04081 Notice: The bearing should be installed completely. Usi ...

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