Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Service Manual: Components

Toyota RAV4. Components

Toyota RAV4. Components

Toyota RAV4. Components

Toyota RAV4. Components

Toyota RAV4. Components

Toyota RAV4. Components

Toyota RAV4. Components

Toyota RAV4. Components

Toyota RAV4. Components

Engine unit

Remove idler pulley (see page em-23) Remove oil dipstick Remove oil dipstick guide (see page em-57) Remove manifold stay (see page em-57) Remove no. 2 Manifold stay (see page em-58) Remov ...

Other materials:

Throttle actuator control motor current range / performance
Description The etcs (electronic throttle control system) has a dedicated power supply circuit. The voltage (+bm) is monitored and when it is low (less than 4 v), the ecm determines that there is a malfunction in the etcs and cuts off the current to the throttle actuator. When the volt ...

Install front oil pump oil seal Using sst and a hammer, install a new oil seal to the pump. Sst 09350-32014 (09351-32140) Hint: The seal end should be flat with the outer edge of the oil pump. Coat the lip of the oil seal with petroleum jelly. Install front oil pump bo ...

If your vehicle has to be stopped in an emergency
Only in an emergency, such as if it becomes impossible to stop the vehicle in the normal way, stop the vehicle using the following procedure: Steadily step on the brake pedal with both feet and firmly depress it. Do not pump the brake pedal repeatedly as this will increase the effort req ...

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