Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Service Manual: Back-up power source circuit


This is the back-up power source circuit for the air conditioning amplifier. Power is supplied even when the ignition switch is turned off and is used for functions such as the diagnostic trouble code memory.

wiring diagram

Toyota RAV4. Back-up power source circuit

Inspection procedure

  1. Inspect fuse (ecu-b2)

  1. Remove the ecu-b2 fuse from the engine room no. 2 Relay block.
  2. Measure the resistance of the fuse.

Standard resistance: below 1

  1. Check wire harness (air conditioning amplifier - battery)

Toyota RAV4. Check wire harness (air conditioning amplifier - battery)

  1. Disconnect the e37 amplifier connector.
  2. Measure the voltage of the wire harness side connector.

Standard voltage

  1. Check wire harness (air conditioning amplifier - body ground)

Toyota RAV4. Check wire harness (air conditioning amplifier - body ground)

  1. Disconnect the e37 amplifier connector.
  2. Measure the resistance of the wire harness side connector.

Standard resistance

Proceed to next circuit inspection shown in problem symptoms table

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