Idle control system malfunction
The idling speed is controlled by the etcs (electronic throttle control
system). The etcs is comprised
of: 1) the one valve type throttle body; 2) the throttle actuator, which
operates the throttle valve; 3) the
throttle position (tp) sensor, which detects the opening angle of ...
Hazard warning switch circuit
When the hazard warning signal switch is turned on, the turn signal flasher
relay (marking: flsh) in the
main body ecu turns on to flash the hazard warning signal lights.
Wiring diagram
Inspection procedure
Perform active test by intelligent tester
Connect the intelli ...
Reassembly (2005/11-2006/01)
Install front drive shaft bearing
Using sst and a press, press in the drive shaft
bearing to the inboard joint rh.
Sst 09527-10011, 09710-04081
The bearing should be installed completely.
Using a snap ring expander, install a new drive shaft
hole snap ring.