Inspection procedure
It is necessary to register an id code after replacing the tire pressure warning valve and transmitter and/or the tire pressure monitor ecu (see page tw-9).
Set the tire pressure to the specified value.
Standard pressure: 220 kpa (2.2 Kgf/cm2, 32 psi)
Tire pressure warning ecu
Ok: the registered transmitter id codes are displayed on the intelligent tester screen.
Standard pressure: 220 kpa (2.2 Kgf/cm2, 32 psi)
Ok: all tire pressure readings are equal to the actual tire pressure.
It may take up to 1 minute to display the tire pressure data.
Knock sensor 1 circuit
Flat type knock sensors (non-resonant type) have structures that can detect
vibrations over a wide band
of frequencies: between approximately 6 khz and 15 khz.
A knock sensor is fitted onto the engine block to detect engine knocking.
The knock sensor contains a piezoelectri ...
Pressure control solenoid "d" performance (shift solenoid valve slt)
The throttle pressure that is applied to the primary regulator valve (which
modulates the line pressure)
causes the solenoid valve slt, under electronic control, to precisely modulate
and generate the line
pressure according to the extent that the accelerator pedal is depr ...
Utility vehicle precautions
This vehicle belongs to the
utility vehicle class, which
has higher ground clearance
and narrower tread in
relation to the height of its
center of gravity to make it
capable of performing in a
wide variety of off-road
Utility vehicle feature
Specific design characteristics
give it a ...