Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Service Manual: Reassembly
- Install front oil pump oil seal

- Using sst and a hammer, install a new oil seal to
the pump.
Sst 09350-32014 (09351-32140)
The seal end should be flat with the outer edge of
the oil pump.
- Coat the lip of the oil seal with petroleum jelly.
- Install front oil pump body o-ring

- Coat the new o-ring with atf, and install it to the oil
pump body.
- Install front oil pump driven gear

- Coat the front oil pump driven gear with atf, and
install it to the oil pump body with the marked side
facing up.
- Install front oil pump drive gear

- Coat the front oil pump drive gear with atf, and
install it to the oil pump body with the marked side
facing up.
- Install stator shaft assembly

- Set the stator shaft by aligning each bolt hole.
- Using a t30 ''trox'' socket, install the 11 bolts.
Torque: 9.8 N*m (100 kgf*cm, 87 in.*Lbf)
- Install clutch drum oil seal ring

- Install the 2 clutch drum oil seal rings.
Do not expand the ring ends excessively.
- Inspect oil pump assembly (see page ax-218)
Inspect oil pump assembly
Turn the drive gear with 2 screwdrivers and make
sure it rotates smoothly.
Be careful not to damage the oil seal lip.
Inspect clearance of oil ...
Remove 2nd brake piston return spring sub-assembly
Place sst on the return spring and compress.
Using a screwdriver, pry out the snap ring.
Remove the pis ...
Other materials:
Disconnect cable from negative battery
Wait at least 90 seconds after disconnecting the
cable from the negative (-) battery terminal to
prevent airbag and seat belt pretensioner activation.
Remove air cleaner cap (see page es-411)
Remove air cleaner case
Transmission fluid temperature sensor "A" circuit
The automatic transmission fluid (atf) temperature sensor converts the atf
temperature into a
resistance value which is input into the ecm.
The ecm applies a voltage to the temperature sensor through ecm terminal tho1.
The sensor resistance changes with the atf temperature. ...
Components (2006/01- )