Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Service Manual: Skid control buzzer circuit


The skid control buzzer sounds while the vsc is activated.

Wiring diagram

Toyota RAV4. Wiring diagram

Inspection procedure


When replacing the abs and traction actuator, perform the zero point calibration (see page bc- 24).

  1. Check can communication system

  1. Check if the can communication dtc is output (see page ca-34).


  1. Perform active test by intelligent tester (skid control buzzer)

  1. Select the active test, generate a control command, and then check that the skid control buzzer operate.

Toyota RAV4. Perform active test by intelligent tester (skid control buzzer)

Ok: the skid control buzzer can be heard.

  1. Inspect combination meter

  2. Inspect the combination meter (see page me-15).

Replace abs and traction actuator assembly

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