Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Service Manual: Components

Toyota RAV4. Components

Toyota RAV4. Components

Toyota RAV4. Components

Front bumper

Disconnect cable from negative battery terminal Caution: Wait at least 90 seconds after disconnecting the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal to prevent airbag and seat belt preten ...

Other materials:

Underdrive planetary gear
Components Disassembly Remove underdrive planetary gear preload (see page ax-240) Remove underdrive input shaft nut Sst 09930-00010 (09931-00010, 09931-00020), 09387-00050, 09564-16020 Using sst, loosen the staked part of the nut. Clamp the underdrive planetary gear in ...

Fuel pump control circuit
Description When the engine is cranked, the starter relay drive signal output from the star terminal of the ecm is input into the sta terminal of the ecm, and ne signal generated by the crankshaft position sensor is also input into the ne+ terminal. Thus, the ecm interprets that the engine is ...

Front seat cushion heater
Inspection Inspect front seat cushion heater assembly lh Measure the resistance of the seat cushion heater. Standard resistance If the result is not as specified, replace the seat cushion heater assembly. Heat the thermostat with a light. Measure the resistance of the sea ...

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