Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Service Manual: Diaphragm oil seal


Toyota RAV4. Diaphragm oil seal


  1. Drain differential oil

Toyota RAV4. Drain differential oil

  1. Using a 10 mm socket hexagon wrench, remove the rear differential drain plug and gasket, and drain the oil.
  2. Install a new gasket to the rear differential drain plug.
  3. Using a 10 mm socket hexagon wrench, install the rear differential drain plug and gasket.
  1. Remove propeller with center bearing shaft assembly (see page pr-3)

  2. Remove electromagnetic coupling (see page df-21)

  3. Remove 4wd linear solenoid (see page df-22)

  4. Remove yoke (see page df-22)

  5. Remove transmission coupling conical spring washer (see page df-22)

  6. Remove transmission coupling shim (see page df-22)

  7. Remove diaphragm oil seal

Toyota RAV4. Remove diaphragm oil seal

  1. Using sst, remove the oil seal from the rear differential carrier.

Sst 09308-10010


  1. Install diaphragm oil seal

Toyota RAV4. Install diaphragm oil seal

  1. Apply a light coat of mp grease no. 2 To the lip of a new diaphragm oil seal.
  2. Using sst and a hammer, tap the diaphragm oil seal into the rear differential carrier according to the specification.

Sst 09710-30021 (09710-03121), 09950-60010 (09951-00570), 09950-70010 (09951-07100)

Standard distance: 7.0 +-0.5 Mm (0.28 +-0.02 In.)

  1. Install transmission coupling shim (see page df-41)

  2. Install transmission coupling conical spring washer (see page df-41)

  3. Install yoke (see page df-41)

  4. Install 4wd linear solenoid (see page df-41)

  5. Install electromagnetic coupling (see page df-42)
  6. Temporarily install propeller with center bearing shaft assembly (see page pr-5)
  7. Fully tighten propeller with center bearing shaft assembly (see page pr-6)
  8. Inspect and adjust joint angle (see page pr- 4)
  9. Add differential oil
  1. Add differential oil (see page df-3).
  1. Check for differential oil leakage

If gas is leaking, tighten the areas necessary to stop the leak. Replace damaged parts as necessary.

Rear differential side gear shaft oil seal
Components Removal Drain differential oil (see page df-10) Remove tailpipe assembly Remove the tailpipe (see page ex-2). Remove center exhaust assembly Remove propelle ...

Rear differential carrier assembly
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