Dtc summary
The leak detection pump is built into the canister pump module.
The description can be found in the evap (evaporative emission) system (see page es-335).
Inspection procedure
Refer to the evap system (see page es-340).
Monitor description
5 Hours* after the ignition switch is turned off, the leak detection pump creates negative pressure (vacuum) in the evap system. The ecm monitors for leaks and actuator malfunctions based on the evap pressure.
*: If the engine coolant temperature is not below 35°c (95°f) 5 hours after the ignition switch is turned off, the monitor check starts 2 hours later. If it is still not below 35°c (95°f) 7 hours after the ignition switch is turned to off, the monitor check starts 2.5 Hours later.
*: If only a small amount of fuel is in the fuel tank, it takes longer for the evap pressure to stabilize.
The detection logic of dtcs p2401 and p2402 is the same because in both cases the reference pressure measured in operation b is compared to the atmospheric pressure registered in operation a.
The ecm calculates the difference between these pressures by deducting [the reference pressure] from [the stored atmospheric pressure], and uses this to monitor the evap system pressure change.
Monitor strategy
Typical enabling conditions
Typical malfunction thresholds
"Saturated" indicates that the evap pressure change is less than 0.286 Kpa-g (2.14 Mmhg-g) in 60 seconds.
Monitor result
Refer to checking monitor status (see page es-17).
Illumination circuit
The main body ecu receives information regarding the door courtesy switch and
door lock position
switch, and turns on the room light.
Wiring diagram
Inspection procedure
Perform active test by intelligent tester (main body ecu)
Connect the intelligent tester (with can ...
System diagram
System diagram (2005/11-2006/01)
System diagram (2006/01- )
Check that the battery cables are connected to the
correct terminals.
Disconnect the battery cables if a quick charge is
given to the battery.
Do not perform tests with a high voltage insulation
resistance tester.
Never disconnect the battery while the engine is
Check tha ...