Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Service Manual: Removal

  1. Discharge fuel system pressure (see page fu-9)

  2. Drain coolant (see page co-6)

  3. Disconnect cable from negative battery terminal


Wait at least 90 seconds after disconnecting the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal to prevent airbag and seat belt pretensioner activation.

  1. Remove no. 1 Engine cover (see page es-410)

  2. Remove air cleaner cap (see page es-411)

  3. Remove throttle body (see page es-412)

  4. Remove fuel delivery pipe (see page fu-10)

  5. Disconnect fuel tube

  6. Remove heater water inlet hose

  1. Remove the hose clamp.
  2. Remove the heater water inlet hose from the heater radiator unit and cylinder head.
  1. Remove heater water outlet hose

  1. Remove the heater water outlet hose from the heater radiator unit and water by-pass pipe.
  1. Remove intake manifold

  1. Disconnect the union to check valve hose from the brake booster.
  2. Disconnect the camshaft timing oil control valve connector.
  3. Remove the wire harness clamp.
  4. Remove the union to check valve hose from the vacuum hose clamp.
  5. Remove the 5 bolts, 2 nuts and intake manifold.

Toyota RAV4. Remove intake manifold

  1. Remove the gasket from the intake manifold.

Toyota RAV4. Remove intake manifold

  1. Remove intake manifold insulator

  1. Remove the intake manifold insulator from the cylinder block.

Toyota RAV4. Remove intake manifold insulator

  1. Remove knock sensor

Toyota RAV4. Remove knock sensor

  1. Disconnect the sensor connector.
  2. Remove the nut and sensor.

Inspect knock sensor Measure the resistance of the sensor. Standard resistance If the result is not as specified, replace the knock sensor. ...

Other materials:

Inspect no. 1 Chain tensioner Check that the plunger moves smoothly when the ratchet pawl is raised with your finger. Release the ratchet pawl, then check that the plunger is locked in place by the ratchet pawl and does not move when pushed with your finger. Inspect chain ...

Wireless charger (if equipped)
A portable device can be charged by just placing Qi standard wireless charge compatible portable devices according to the Wireless Power Consortium, such as smartphones and mobile batteries, etc., on the charge area. This function cannot be used with portable devices that are larger than the chargi ...

Master cylinder pressure sensor malfunction
Description The master cylinder pressure sensor is connected to the skid control ecu in the abs and traction actuator. Dtc c1281/81 can be detected when the master cylinder pressure sensor sends a master cylinder pressure signal or test mode ends. Dtc c1281/81 is output only in test mo ...

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