Toyota RAV4 manuals

Toyota RAV4 (XA40) 2013-2018 Service Manual: 2Az-fe ignition

Install accelerator pedal rod Install the accelerator pedal rod with the 2 bolts. Torque: 5.4 N*m (55 kgf*cm, 48 in.*Lbf) Connect the accelerator pedal position sensor connector. ...

Ignition system

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Fastening the seat belt (for the rear center seat)
Press the plate to release, and then pull the seat belt. Push the plate into the buckle in the order of plate “a” and plate “b” until a clicking sound is heard. Plate “a”, buckle “a” Plate “b”, buckle “b” ...

Door control switch
Inspection Inspect power window regulator master switch assembly (door control switch) Measure the resistance of the door control switch. Standard resistance If the result is not as specified, replace the power window regulator master switch assembly. Inspect door control s ...

Terminals of ecu
Check combination meter assembly Measure the voltage and resistance of the connector. Check instrument panel junction block (main body ecu) Measure the voltage and resistance of the connectors. ...

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